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Customers who trust us

Valu­able companion
​“Kirsten Schrick has been a valu­able and inspir­ing com­pan­ion of Inter­hyp for 15 years and always on top of her field. Thanks to her pro­fes­sion­al (over)view and her sen­si­tive anten­nas, she cre­ates real added val­ue for all participants.”

Jörg Utecht, CEO Inter­hyp Gruppe

Full con­fi­dence”
Ben­jamin Papo, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Finanzchef24 GmbH: The results of your work are clear­ly mea­sur­able for me over the years. The qual­i­ta­tive feed­back from every work­shop with Dr. Schrick is always very pos­i­tive. I rec­om­mend her work with full confidence.”

Speak­ing right to the heart”
Marc Irmisch-Petit, CEO​“In the past ten years I have worked with Kirsten Schrick on sev­er­al occa­sions. Do you want to realign your lead­er­ship cul­ture? Then Dr. Schrick is the way to go, with heart and mind.”

Ful­ly sat­is­fied“
Her­mann-Josef Ten­hagen, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor FINANZTIP: Kirsten Schrick takes you by the hand. Not tepid­ly, but with a secure grip. In work­ing with her, my team dis­cov­ered that our pri­ma­ry con­vic­tions lead us to a grand objec­tive: We empow­er consumers!”

Any­one who is look­ing for some­one who can ana­lyt­i­cal­ly and per­son­al­ly help shape an actu­al change process, some­one who does not lose their sense of humor, even in dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tions, will make good progress with Ms. Schrick and achieve the best results.”

Daniel Steil, CCO Focus Online

High­ly rec­om­mend­ed“
Meike Sharp, BHW Post­bank: To peo­ple who work with Kirsten Schrick, I say: leave half of your head at home, but bring your whole heart along.”

As a start-up, we work with Kirsten on our cor­po­rate cul­ture.“
Juliana Mar­in­ho, Co-Founder of myTal­entscout: If you are look­ing for some­one to stroke your ego, or for a yes-man/­woman, you bet­ter look else­where. But any­one who is real­ly inter­est­ed in change, with all its pros and cons, will love work­ing with Kirsten. Thanks to Kirsten, after only three weeks of work­ing with her, I already have a much more per­son­al con­nec­tion with all employ­ees. As a pro­fes­sion­al in com­mu­ni­ca­tion and her often sub­tle, smart com­ments, she man­ages to hold up a mir­ror to me and shows me what it feels like to work with me. Is that uncom­fort­able at first? Oh yes, it is! Is that out­side my com­fort zone? Again: YES !!! And yet I have learned that change means leav­ing what I have learned behind and hav­ing the courage to be able to sense my con­ver­sa­tion part­ner with even more sen­si­tiv­i­ty, with­out judg­ing, with­out tak­ing offence or feel­ing attacked. We look for­ward to fur­ther coop­er­a­tion and can unre­served­ly rec­om­mend Kirsten.

Alexan­der Kipp, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, BurdaFor­ward GmbH:
I would like to thank you for your warm and very unique approach. You not only bring col­or, ener­gy and joy to the con­ver­sa­tion, but above all struc­ture and fun­da­men­tal, sys­temic food for thought, which is fruit­ful when real­ly and tru­ly listening.”

Anto­nia Hille­brand, Inter­hyp AG:
It was a real plea­sure to meet you. You do a won­der­ful job’, I can hard­ly express it in words. After these two days, I can safe­ly say that you made a last­ing impres­sion on me.”

Best results

Kirsten Schrick accom­pa­nied the coa­les­cence of our exec­u­tives and the devel­op­ment of our man­age­ment phi­los­o­phy. Dur­ing this process, Dr. Schrick inspired us with her ener­gy, sov­er­eign­ty and tenac­i­ty on the one hand, and her sen­si­tiv­i­ty and empa­thy on the other.”

Dr. Flo­ri­an Weiß, CEO jame­da GmbH

A reor­ga­ni­za­tion that has inspired con­fi­dence in the man­age­ment.“
Philipp Brun­ner, CFO BurdaFor­ward: Dr. Schrick pro­vid­ed us with excel­lent sup­port in the con­cep­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of a far-reach­ing trans­for­ma­tion in which, due to a declin­ing mar­ket, we cut back a depart­ment with over 40 employ­ees to 12. With her sup­port, we devel­oped an intri­cate and human approach, and she pre­pared my co-man­ag­ing direc­tor and me so excel­lent­ly that this change could turn into a great suc­cess. Not only were able to min­i­mize dam­age to the com­pa­ny and frus­tra­tion among the employ­ees con­cerned, we were even able to great­ly increase the trust in us as man­agers, through the very appre­cia­tive, humane treat­ment of col­leagues. A reor­ga­ni­za­tion that has turned into a suc­cess sto­ry — sim­ply great!”

Mar­cus Wols­dorf, Founder & Chair­man HW Cap­i­tal: It’s always impres­sive to see how Kirsten Schrick rec­og­nizes the most sub­tle trends in an orga­ni­za­tion with­in a very short time and then man­ages to mod­er­ate an open, con­struc­tive and solu­tion-ori­ent­ed dia­logue, that engages everyone.”

Sascha Heinen, Head of Field­ser­vice Exter­nal Com­mu­ni­ties Net­Cologne IT Ser­vice GmbH: ​“I thank you for this beau­ti­ful event and for mak­ing the cen­ter avail­able to the par­tic­i­pants and their top­ics, this was very sym­pa­thet­ic of you, and some­thing not to be tak­en for grant­ed any­more these days.”

Cus­tomers who trust us

To date, we have accom­pa­nied over 25,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers in more than 2,000 suc­cess­ful train­ings and con­fer­ences. Ana­log and dig­i­tal. We enjoy the trust of start-ups as well as renowned and inter­na­tion­al­ly oper­at­ing companies:

21 Dia­monds / Allianz Tech­nol­o­gy SE / AS Direk­t­mar­ket­ing GmbH / ATMI­RA Zen­trale Dien­ste / BaFin / Bauw­erk Cap­i­tal GmbH & Co. KG / BurdaFor­ward GmbH / CHIP / Com­merz Direk­t­ser­vice GmbH / Com­pu­Group GmbH / Cyber­port / DAB Bank AG / D.A.S. / DB Direkt – Deutsche Bank Gruppe / Deutsche Bank / Deutsche Post­bank / Egon Zehn­der Inter­na­tion­al GmbH / ERGO Man­age­ment Akademie / Finanzen100 / FINANZTIP Ver­braucher­in­for­ma­tion gemein­nützige GmbH / FiNUM.Private Finance AG / Floss­bach von Storch AG / Focus Online / Han­dels­blatt Group GmbH / GKL Gemein­same Klassen­lot­terie der Län­der / Han­nover Rück­ver­sicherung AG / Hol­i­day Check Group / Inter­hyp Gruppe / ITER­GO Infor­ma­tion­stech­nolo­gie GmbH / jame­da GmbH / Käufer­por­tal / Messe München Inter­na­tion­al / Mon­ster World­wide Deutsch­land GmbH / myTal­entscout GmbH / Net­Cologne GmbH / Net­Moms / Sparkasse, Rosen­heim-Bad Aib­ling / Ströer Media Brands / Sun­rise Com­mu­ni­ca­tions AG / Tele­fóni­ca Ger­many GmbH & Co. OHG / UKV – Union Kranken­ver­sicherung / Uni­ty­media NRW GmbH / V‑Bank AG / VKB — Ver­sicherungskam­mer Bay­ern / Voda­fone GmbH / Wüsten­rot Baus­parkasse / ZDF — Zweites Deutsches Fernse­hen / Zürcher Kan­ton­al­bank Öster­re­ich AG