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Dr. Kirsten Schrick

The poten­tial of peo­ple and orga­ni­za­tions fas­ci­nates me. My strength is to give space to this poten­tial and gen­er­ate new impuls­es. Intu­itive­ly. Emphat­i­cal­ly. Courageously.

Dr. Kirsten Schrick

My life is a sto­ry of changes. I start­ed my pro­fes­sion­al life as a human­i­ties schol­ar at a bank. Since then I know what an out­side per­spec­tive is.

As an entre­pre­neur and vision­ary, I built a fin­tech com­pa­ny that com­bined human­i­ty and per­for­mance. With a pas­sion for inno­va­tion and (in the best sense of the word), some crazi­ness”. I expe­ri­enced phas­es of pow­er and pow­er­less­ness in my career that taught me humil­i­ty and gratitude. 

An evolved basis for my under­stand­ing and my type of con­sult­ing: Bring­ing poten­tial to life.

Dr. Kirsten Schrick CV and awards

2003 — today

Founder of Kirsten Schrick — Poten­tial leben (Liv­ing Poten­tial)

Enhanc­ing vibran­cy. Giv­ing room to the new. This is how you bring your poten­tial to life — for the ben­e­fit of the indi­vid­ual and the community.”

To date, my team and I have worked with and accom­pa­nied over 25,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers through more than 2000 suc­cess­ful train­ing cours­es and con­fer­ences. In ana­log and dig­i­tal fashion.

2009 — today

Founder of the TIM Foun­da­tion
With TIM, we help young peo­ple devel­op their poten­tial and mature into strong per­son­al­i­ties. We sup­port mid­dle school stu­dents on their path towards a suc­cess­ful and ful­fill­ing life. The basis for this is trust in one­self, one’s abil­i­ties and oth­er peo­ple. That’s why for us TIM means: Trust In Myself.

2016 — today

Co-founder of the Munich-based founder net­work (Stifterin­nen-Net­zw­erk, MSN)
In the Münchener Stifterin­nen-Net­zw­erk, com­mit­ted women sup­port each oth­er as founders. In their foun­da­tion work, they hap­pi­ly stand up for peo­ple and the com­mu­ni­ty — because it is a mat­ter close to their hearts.

1995 to 2003

Gen­er­al Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Advance Bank AG, Munich
Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Cen­ter, Ser­vice Man­age­ment, Inter­nal Communication/​Organizational Processing/​Central Train­ing Man­age­ment, Asset Consulting.

1987 to 1995

Head of Inter­nal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Cen­tral PR
Bay­erische Vere­ins­bank AG

1988 to 1989

Munich as a City of Art (magna cum laude), Lud­wig Max­i­m­il­ians Uni­ver­si­ty Munich

1981 to 1987

Master’s degree
New Ger­man Lit­er­a­ture, Art His­to­ry, Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Stud­ies Lud­wig Max­i­m­il­ians Uni­ver­si­ty Munich

Fur­ther per­son­al training

  • Sys­temic con­sul­tant train­ing with Prof. Dr. F. Simon, Berlin
  • Orga­ni­za­tion Con­stel­la­tion with Prof. V. von Kibéd and I. Spar­rer, Munich and Vienna
  • Voice ther­a­py, Voice Dia­logue method accord­ing to Sidra and Hal Stone at the Münch­n­er Insti­tut für Sys­temis­che Weit­er­bil­dung (misw), Munich
  • Medi­a­tion in der Akademie für Medi­a­tion und Aus­bil­dung, Munich
  • Bud­dhis­tis­che Psy­cholo­gie – der Umgang mit den Geis­te­shal­tun­gen (Christl Oel­mann, Munich)
  • Instru­mente der Wahrnehmung und ihre Anwen­dung im All­t­ag (Ver­e­na Bach­mann and Jeffe Anders, Zürich)
  • Body work accord­ing to the Open Floor method (Dr. Andrea Juhan, USA)
Dr. Kirsten Schrick


  • 07/2020: KressPro award as one of the top 25 most impor­tant con­sul­tants in Germany
  • 06/2002: Cus­tomer Ser­vice Award, 1st place in̈in the area of​finan­cial ser­vice providers in Germany
  • 03/1999: MUWIT advanced train­ing award for the Cul­ture Jin­gles” mea­sures for imple­men­ta­tion of the Advance cor­po­rate culture
  • 06/1998: Cus­tomer Ser­vice Award, 3rd place • 06/1997: Cus­tomer Ser­vice Award, 1st place
Social Engagement

Social Engagement

Grat­i­tude is an impor­tant atti­tude to life. Also in rela­tion to the city I live and work in. I also ben­e­fit from inten­sive per­son­al com­mit­ment, and vol­un­tary social com­mit­ment, work for the pub­lic good.

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Books & Videos

Books & Videos

My work is based on sci­en­tif­ic knowl­edge and ground­break­ing ideas from var­i­ous spe­cial­ist areas. I would like to share these inspi­ra­tions with you.

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I am a doer. That is why the focus is on doing. From time to time I also report on my projects or get inter­viewed. Here you will find a selec­tion of arti­cles about us.

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