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Diver­si­ty invig­o­rates and loy­al­ty strength­ens. That is why we work togeth­er as a team of peo­ple, com­ing from dif­fer­ent con­texts and hav­ing stim­u­lat­ing perspectives.


Andrea and I met in 1995 at the recep­tion of our reg­u­lar hotel when we were con­duct­ing the assess­ment cen­tre for the foun­da­tion of Advance Bank. Then as now, I was fas­ci­nat­ed by her radi­ance. It comes from with­in and warms the oth­er person. 

Togeth­er we have already formed a force field in Advance Bank from 1996 to 2003, cel­e­brat­ed suc­cess­es and endured low points togeth­er. We were open to exper­i­men­ta­tion, intro­duced the home office in the 1990s when Andrea was look­ing after her sons. The spir­it of New Work guid­ed us when we imple­ment­ed a net­work organ­i­sa­tion against much resis­tance. Even when we jumped into the cold water of self-employ­ment — in 2003 — I was not alone.

To this day, Andrea and I are pas­sion­ate about ser­vice. Every cre­ative set­ting needs a basis of crafts­man­ship and a lov­ing imple­men­ta­tion that also hon­ours the detail. 

We both trust life and find: It is good to us. This makes us grate­ful: for our clients and for the com­mis­sions we cre­ate together. 

Our sto­ry is also that of a part­ner­ship that thrives on the inter­play of close­ness and dis­tance. It is the sto­ry of two inde­pen­dent women, who to this day con­tin­ue to live a ful­filled life on their own respon­si­bil­i­ty — each for her­self and together.

Andrea Rich­stein

Office man­ag­er and orga­ni­za­tion­al tal­ent. Is the con­tact per­son for, and coor­di­nates, the con­sult­ing offer­ings and plans set­tings, train­ings and work­shops. She is the good soul. She is always ready to lis­ten to the most diverse con­cerns. She keeps track of every­thing. And that for 25 years!

Andrea Richstein, office manager and organizational talent.

Ari­ane Binderer

Arrang­iert sorgfältig die Vor- und Nach­bere­itung von Sem­i­naren. Koor­diniert mit Freude die Pro­jek­te der TIM Stiftung. Inspiri­ert die Wirkung von Acht­samkeit in der zwis­chen­men­schlichen Kom­mu­nika­tion, in Organ­i­sa­tio­nen und im Alltag.

Rupert Roth

Coach and self-care expert. Guides, advis­es, enables. Asks unusu­al ques­tions. Helps com­pa­nies, teams, indi­vid­u­als to find their way to the solu­tion them­selves. Has a dis­tinct sense of the sys­temic. And a fine sense of the human aspect.

Moritz Fiedler

Psy­cholo­gie- und Werk­stu­dent. Konzip­iert. Inspiri­ert. Sym­pa­thisch und akribisch. Begleit­et den Entwurf und die Durch­führung von Sem­i­naren und gestal­tet anre­gende Impulse. Als Kul­turfre­und fasziniert ihn das Neue und das Alte.

Ursu­la Stoiber

Philol­o­gist and think tank. Deals with analy­sis and imple­men­ta­tion in the field of orga­ni­za­tion­al cul­ture and change man­age­ment. Con­ceives smart set­tings and gives events a good framework.

Jörg Wesemüller

Direc­tor and train­er for appear­ance and pre­sen­ta­tion. As an expe­ri­enced direc­tor, he brings out the best of his trainees. He uses the­atri­cal means to open up cre­ative spaces. He con­vinc­ing­ly brings across the joy of the learn­ing process.