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Opti­mis­ing struc­tures and process­es, improv­ing effi­cien­cy and increas­ing prof­its — this is not the way to retain tal­ent and attract new tal­ent today. Peo­ple are con­vinced to work for an organ­i­sa­tion when they find the mean­ing convincing.

There­fore: Cor­po­rate cul­ture begins in the core — in the lived self-image of your organ­i­sa­tion. Suc­cess­ful com­pa­nies live and shape their core con­scious­ly. They recog­nise the mean­ing of their work and rep­re­sent it cred­i­bly both inter­nal­ly and externally.

At the cen­tre is the WHY: Why do we do what we do? This is fol­lowed by the HOW: How do we work? Only then comes the WHAT: What do we do concretely?


Dis­cov­er­ing the WHY.

Togeth­er. Sen­so­r­i­al. Insightful.

  • In a cre­ative process, you will find the beliefs that your com­pa­ny stands for.
  • Togeth­er you for­mu­late the WHY of your organization.
  • You define the com­pa­ny principles/​values​as an ori­en­ta­tion for atti­tude and behav­ior in your organization.


Imple­ment­ing the HOW.

Play­ful. Empow­er­ing. Effective.

  • Areas or teams in your orga­ni­za­tion work out how to align their day-to-day work with the cor­po­rate purpose.
  • You get to know your strengths and resources bet­ter — and why this is so impor­tant for imple­ment­ing the HOW in every­day activities.
  • You check how you con­vinc­ing­ly live up to the values​/​principles togeth­er — and how you can become suc­cess­ful ambas­sadors for your cul­ture, inter­nal­ly and externally.

Weit­eres For­mat zum Thema