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Conflict Moderation

Con­flicts arise when dif­fer­ent opin­ions, atti­tudes and strate­gies for action come togeth­er. The ques­tion is: How con­scious­ly can and do those involved deal with the under­ly­ing emo­tions and needs?

With our facil­i­ta­tion ser­vices, we help with con­flicts between col­leagues in the team, but also between man­agers and employ­ees. In change process­es, our con­flict mod­er­a­tion also offers new ori­en­ta­tion and strength to bod­ies such as the board of direc­tors and the works council.


Con­flict mod­er­a­tion between two actors.

Mind­ful. Lib­er­at­ing. Stimulating.

After a mind­ful and con­fi­den­tial clar­i­fi­ca­tion of the assign­ment with the actors, the fol­low­ing aspects can be essential:

  • What events shaped the relationship?
  • What reac­tions and sen­si­tiv­i­ties have been triggered?
  • What could the con­struc­tive han­dling of the mutu­al trig­ger points look like?
  • What com­mit­ment do both sides enter into?


Con­flict mod­er­a­tion in a team.

Non-vio­lent. Open. Clarifying.

After a mind­ful and con­fi­den­tial clar­i­fi­ca­tion of the assign­ment with the actors, the fol­low­ing aspects can be essential:

  • What con­flicts and resis­tance exist on the mate­r­i­al and rela­tion­ship level?
  • What are the hid­den sensitivities?
  • What should a future col­lab­o­ra­tion look like?
  • What bind­ing agree­ments are essential?